Cheshire Counselling World

My Blogs

My blog is a reflection of how I work, I always feel privileged to work with people who feel able to open up their inner self to me and share such intimate and personal experiences, feelings and emotions….and as a result are able to challenge themselves and their life. Please feel free to contact me to help you.

Susan Wilkes, relationship psychotherapist in Cheshire

A life without color is a life without excitement and passion…it is a gray existence where you put one foot in front of the other and go through the motions without any emotions.

You spend all of your energy meeting expectations and doing jobs, you stop really living and start just existing.

The teenage years can be a very difficult time for both the family and the teenager. The transition from childhood to adulthood is a hazardous journey that has to not only navigate hormones, body changes and developing identity, but also all the pressures that young people face these days, such things as exams, peer pressures, relationships and the social media.

Emotional manipulators are experts in the craft of guilt-tripping. They have the ability to make you feel guilty either for not speaking up, for speaking up, for not showing enough emotion, for showing too much emotion, for not giving and/or caring enough, and for giving and/or caring too much. There are no lines that the emotional manipulator will not cross in order to put you in a guilt trip.

Do you find yourself making lots of sacrifices for your partner’s happiness, but not getting much in return? If that kind of one-sided pattern sounds like yours, you don’t have to feel trapped as it’s a pattern of behaviour that is dependent on approval from someone else for your own self-worth and identity and this can be changed with the right help and support.

It can be tough being a teenager in today’s society. Not only do they have to deal with normal teenage issues… the psychological and biological changes, but the temptations and choices and decisions they may have to face are vast and can be overwhelming. As a teenager… Unexpected life events can suddenly happen which you don’t understand and you may find difficult to cope with.

It’s has been a while since I posted a new article on the blog section of my website (I have been extremely busy helping people to weather the storm of Christmas and the new year and all that these festivities brings!!!!) not all fun and laughter for some. Unfortunately, this time of year can leave memories that may not be all that we could have hoped.

What happens when two people in a relationship can’t agree on anything? Well one purpose of communication is to determine what reality is!!!

Communication involves the collaboration of two people as they share and examine all of their perceptions, feelings, ideas and thoughts to come to an accurate understanding of what is happening.